AWS Certification Exam, Defining the use case, Evaluating edge networks, Microsoft Certification Exam

Testing the installation – Working with Cloud Computing to Power IoT Solutions

We can now test our installation to see if it works as expected:

Power up the Arduino board by connecting it to your computer or a suitable power source.

Make sure the IR proximity sensor, RGB LED strip, and piezo buzzer are connected correctly, as described in step 1.

Verify that the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is connected to the Wi-Fi network and can communicate with the AWS IoT Core.

Approach the IR proximity sensor to simulate the presence of a person. The piezo buzzer should play a tone and the RGB LED strip should animate.

Observe the Arduino Serial Monitor for any debugging information or error messages. Ensure that the sensor data is being sent to AWS IoT Core successfully.

Figure 7.8 – Expected output from the Arduino Serial Monitor

Check the AWS IoT Core console and verify that the data is being received and processed by the Lambda function.

Test the installation in different environments with varying levels of light and human presence to ensure it performs well under various conditions.

Now we can move on to troubleshooting any issues and optimizing as needed.

Troubleshooting and optimization

There may be issues you encounter as you follow the instructions. If there are any, you can follow these steps and/or further optimize your deployment:

If the installation is not responding as expected, check the wiring and connections to ensure everything is properly connected.

Review the code for any syntax errors, logical issues, or incorrect configuration settings. Make sure the Wi-Fi credentials, AWS IoT endpoint, and certificate paths are correct.

Monitor the AWS Lambda function logs in Amazon CloudWatch for any errors or issues related to the processing of the IoT data.

If necessary, adjust the sensor thresholds and animation settings in the code to improve the installation’s responsiveness and performance.

By following these steps, you can set up, test, and troubleshoot the IoT-based interactive art installation with cloud integration. This hands-on experience will provide you with a deeper understanding of how IoT devices can be integrated with cloud services and how to optimize costs, resiliency, and low latency in your deployments.

Further exploration can be done via the following avenues:

Multiple sensors: Incorporate additional sensors, such as motion, temperature, or humidity sensors, to create a more dynamic and responsive installation that reacts to different environmental conditions or user interactions.

Advanced animations: Develop more sophisticated LED animations and audio responses to create a more engaging and immersive experience. You can experiment with various patterns, color palettes, and audio effects to achieve the desired outcome.

User interaction: Integrate input devices, such as buttons, touch sensors, or accelerometers, to allow users to interact with the installation and influence its behavior directly. This can make the experience more interactive and personalized.

With that, you’ve built your first cloud-based proximity detector! Now, you have learned how to apply basic skills within the cloud to IoT projects, which will serve as a foundation for the upcoming knowledge you will acquire from the book as part of your IoT learning journey.


In this chapter, we delved into the core principles of cloud computing for IoT, unpacking its myriad benefits, diverse deployment models, and the services tailored for IoT applications. Beyond the foundational knowledge, we navigated the intricacies of architecting IoT deployments within AWS. By mastering the use of a pub/sub client, we took a hands-on approach, illustrating how an EC2 instance can seamlessly interact with AWS IoT Core. As readers, internalizing this information is invaluable. It not only equips you with the tools and understanding needed to harness the full power of cloud computing in IoT but also primes you for success in the next stage of our journey: data analytics. These insights will empower you to design more robust and scalable IoT solutions, ensuring you’re at the forefront of technological innovation.

In the next chapter, we will be looking at data analytics services that we can leverage with AWS that we can use to process and analyze workloads, building on our existing knowledge of cloud computing with AWS. We will also go over more best practices for architecting with those new components in mind.

Further reading

For more information about what was covered in this chapter, please refer to the following links:

Explore more on AWS IoT with the official AWS documentation:

Learn about the Modern XMPP project, an independent project dedicated to the improvement of messaging applications using XMPP:

Learn more about the CoAP protocol:

Take a look at more about Mosquitto here from its official documentation:

Explore more on IoT protocol standards:

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