AWS Certification Exam, Defining the use case, Microsoft Certification Exam, Technical requirements, Types of interoperability

Technical requirements– Working with Cloud Computing to Power IoT Solutions

IoT devices obtain and process large amounts of data that needs to be stored, analyzed, and acted upon both in real time and near real time. This is where cloud computing comes in, as it is a powerful resource for providing the necessary flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness needed to handle the data that is provided by these devices. Cloud computing is the provision of computer system resources on demand, without manual active intervention by the user. Instead, it is mostly managed by a cloud vendor.

Cloud computing is especially popular because you don’t have to procure and maintain hardware; instead, the cloud vendor maintains that for you. These cloud services are also distributed over multiple locations, allowing you to avoid a single point of failure and have resilience in having multiple zones that store your data, which is critical when you have production environments that require continuous access to the data. AWS is one such vendor, and we will be focusing this chapter on the services that it provides for storing, processing, and visualizing your workloads and why it is so popular for IoT solutions. Key functionalities of cloud services in IoT applications include device authentication and management, data ingestion, data processing, data storage, and the provision of data dashboards. These functions collectively contribute to the robustness and appeal of using AWS for IoT solutions.

In this chapter, we’ll delve deep into AWS’s vast array of services tailored for IoT solutions, offering a comprehensive understanding of how each service functions and interlinks. By the end of this chapter, you will not only have a robust grasp of the AWS ecosystem for IoT but also the know-how to design, deploy, and manage efficient IoT architectures. This knowledge will be invaluable, whether you’re aiming to innovate in your current job role, launch an IoT-based venture, or simply remain at the forefront of the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:

The fundamentals of cloud computing with IoT

Services to work with for IoT

Optimizing for resilience and low latency

Practical: creating a cloud proximity detector

Technical requirements

This chapter will require you to have the following hardware and software installed:


  • NodeMCU ESP-32S
  • IR proximity sensor
  • WS2812 RGB LED strip
  • Piezo buzzer
  • Jumper wires


  • AWS account
  • Arduino IDE

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